Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Happy Valentines Day (on the cheap)

These images were taken from Vintage Holiday Crafts . You can save the images to your computer, print them and use them for Valentines Day cards. There are directions for how to do it on their site. There are so many cute images there, you have to check them out.

I may do this for Valentines day for hubby and my mom. Ive been snowed in the last few days and unless I want to get up at 6 a.m and get "everything" done that I need to before I leave the house (actually I would have to get up earlier than that, anyway....)so that I can hitch a ride with hubby, Ill be here a few more days. Which means I wont be able to get anywhere to get anyone anything. So I may just do this and bake some cookies, too (heart shaped, red/pink/white of coarse)!!!
I love this one....too cute!

We had planned on going to a dog show for Valentines day, but with the weather the way it is, we probably wont even get to go out to dinner. So I may break down and hitch a ride with hubby early one morning and go rent some movies so that we can stay in and snuggle in the warmth. What will you be doing?



  1. Come on over and snap some yummy ideas for Valentines day, I'm snowed in too and love to bake on days like these!

  2. I'll probably be doing laundry at my parents all day...and then doing a whole lot of nothing besides that! haha Steven hates V-day!

  3. Sue, I love to do that too.....except for the cleaning up part.

    Kendra, Dh has the same feelings as Steven does about the holiday. There shoudl be a support group for that!

  4. We are snowed in too! No school, hubs home early from work.. and more snow on the way.. bluck! I luv vintage Valentines. I really need to get a few sweet treats for my sweet hearts.. I need this snow to go away!


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