Saturday, February 27, 2010

Pretty Things Saturday

Hubby had to work today :( so I woke up cranked the heat up and jumped back in bed with the computer and found some pretty pics. Im imagining the first pic is the scene outside right now, but when I look out the window, its all white and blah. I think we have a chance of snow everyday for the next week....I dont need snow, I need sunshine!
These are my favorite flowers of the year, well, until peonys come on that is!
This pic has nothing to do with anything!!! I just thought the colors and textures are really pretty to look at!
Aw, Lavender....I can smell it already. Im really wanting a lilac/linen linen spray, but havent found one yet. Ive tested the ones at Bath and Body Works, but it was way too strong for me, I want a more light, crisp scent....just in time for spring. Im actually using a lavender scented fabric softener and a lemon verbena softener right now....they both smell soooo good! I love it when hubby comes home and I can still smell it on his shirts, I miss him right now, but its only a few more hours till he comes home, YAY!

Oh and make sure if you havent yet, to scroll down to the blog below, it has lots of pretty spring pics!

Well, hope everyone has a great weekend and your avoiding the snow, LOL!


  1. I'm so very ready for spring. I can't wait. Thanks for some inspiration.

  2. Love looking at your picture and not the piles of snow outside my window!

  3. I'm dreaming of spring also, March is Monday that is a start! You can make your own linen spray easily, just buy the essenial oil and mix with distilled water, you can make it as strong as you like and goes a long way.

  4. The first pic is my favorite! I wish we could have a laundry line and a yard of green grass and trees.


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